Monitor Postgres DB in Kubernetes
PostgreSQL running in Kubernetes can be monitored in SnappyFlow using two approaches:
- sfKubeAgent as a sidecar container
- Prometheus exporter
Get Started
To get started with PostgreSQL integration, create a user and grant permissions to collect data from your PostgreSQL server.
Create New User
Create a read-only user with the following command:
create user <username> with password '<password>';
Use the username and password created in this section while setting access permission and configuration.
Set Access Permission
For version 10.0 or greater, use the below code to set access permission.
grant SELECT ON pg_stat_database to <username>;
grant pg_monitor to <username>;
For older versions, use the below code to set access permission.
grant SELECT ON pg_stat_database to <username>;
By default, these permissions are granted to the root user.
PostgreSQL monitoring with sfKubeAgent
sfKubeAgent run as a sidecar with the configMap
shown below. The configmap
initiates plugins for metrics, general logs, and slow queries.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: postgres-configmap
config.yaml: |-
key: <profile_key>
- name: postgres
enabled: true
interval: 60
documentsTypes: #user can enable all or only needed documents
- databaseDetails
- indexDetails8
- queryDetails
- serverDetails
- tableDetails
user: <userName>
password: <password>
port: 5432
- name: postgres-general
enabled: true
- error
- warning
- info
- log
log_path: /var/log/postgres/*.log
- name: postgres-slowquery
enabled: true
log_path: /var/log/postgres/*.log
Example: PostgreSQL pod that contains both Postgres and sfKubeAgent containers.
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: postgres-pod
snappyflow/appname: <app_name>
snappyflow/projectname: <project_name>
- name: postgres-container
securityContext: {}
image: "postgres:9.6"
args: ["-c", "log_statement=all", "-c", "log_min_messages=warning", "-c", "log_min_duration_statement=200", "-c","log_directory=/var/log/postgres","-c","log_line_prefix=< %m > ","-c","log_filename=postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log","-c","log_truncate_on_rotation=off","-c","log_rotation_age=1d","-c","logging_collector=on"]
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: tcp
containerPort: 5432
protocol: TCP
value: <password>
value: <userName>
- name: varlog
mountPath: /var/log/postgres
# Snappyflow's sfkubeagent container
- name: sfagent-container
image: snappyflowml/sfagent:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
- /app/sfagent
- -enable-console-log
- name: APP_NAME
value: <app_name>
value: <project_name>
- name: configmap-postgres
mountPath: /opt/sfagent/config.yaml
subPath: config.yaml
- name: varlog
mountPath: /var/log/postgres
- name: configmap-postgres
name: postgres-configmap
- name: varlog
emptyDir: {}
PostgreSQL monitoring with Prometheus
Refer to Prometheus Exporter overview to understand how SnappyFlow monitors using Prometheus exporters.
Prometheus exporter should have been deployed as a side-car in the application container and the exporter port should accessible to the sfPod.
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: postgres-pod
snappyflow/appname: <app_name>
snappyflow/projectname: <project_name>
snappyflow/component: postgresql
- name: postgres-exporter
image: bitnami/postgres-exporter
- name: pg-exporter
containerPort: 9187
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
args: ['DATA_SOURCE_NAME="postgresql://<user_name>:<password>@localhost:5432/<dbname>?sslmode=disable" /opt/bitnami/postgres-exporter/bin/postgres_exporter']
- name: postgres-container
securityContext: {}
image: "postgres:9.6"
args: ["-c", "log_statement=all", "-c", "log_min_messages=warning", "-c", "log_min_duration_statement=200", "-c","log_line_prefix=< %m > "]
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: tcp
containerPort: 5432
protocol: TCP
value: <password>
value: <user_name>
value: <dbname>
PostgreSQL Pod Centralized Logging
Refer to Centralized Logging Overview to understand how SnappyFlow implements centralized logging. The centralized logging approach requires the application pod to stream logs to stdout, which is achieved by running a busy box container as shown below.
kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
name: postgres-pod
snappyflow/appname: <app_name>
snappyflow/projectname: <project_name>
snappyflow/component: postgresql
- name: postgres-exporter
image: bitnami/postgres-exporter
- name: pg-exporter
containerPort: 9187
- /bin/sh
- '-c'
- >-
- name: postgres-container
securityContext: {}
image: 'postgres:9.6'
- '-c'
- log_statement=all
- '-c'
- log_min_messages=warning
- '-c'
- log_min_duration_statement=200
- '-c'
- 'log_line_prefix=< %m > '
- '-c'
- log_directory=/var/log/postgres
- '-c'
- log_filename=postgresql.log
- '-c'
- logging_collector=on
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- name: tcp
containerPort: 5432
protocol: TCP
value: <password>
value: <user_name>
value: <dbname>
- name: postgres-log
mountPath: /var/log/postgres
- name: postgres-general
image: busybox
- /bin/sh
- '-c'
- tail -n+1 -f /var/log/postgres/*.log
- name: postgres-log
mountPath: /var/log/postgres
- name: postgres-log
emptyDir: {}
View Database Metrics and Logs
Go to the Application tab in SnappyFlow and navigate to your Project > Application > Dashboard.
In the dashboard window, click the tab menu
icon on the Metric section.Select the Import from template option.
In the Import to Metrics Panes window, select Filter By:
, Template Name:PostgreSQL_Prom
(For PostgreSQL with Prometheus).Click the
button.Database metrics are displayed in the Metrics section.
To view general logs, navigate to Log management > Primary storage. In the Primary Storage window, set the log filter to a general log as per the requirement.
To view slow query logs, navigate to Metrics > Slow Queries.
To access the unprocessed data gathered from the plugins, navigate to the Browse data section and select the following data:
- Index: Metrics
- Instance: Select an instance
- Plugin:
(For PostgreSQL with Prometheus) - Document type:
Metric List
Server Details
Metric | Description |
numCreatedTempFiles | Total number of temporary files created. |
numTransactions | Total number of transactions that have been committed and rolled back. |
archiveFailCount | Number of failed attempts for archiving WAL files. |
activeProcesses | Number of active process running in the server. |
archivedCount | Number of WAL files that have been successfully archived. |
numUpdate | Total number of rows updated by queries. |
numRollback | Total number of transactions that have been rolled back. |
host | The host address of the instance. |
cacheHits | Number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache. |
idle_in_transaction | Number of idle_in_transaction process running in the server. |
numSelect | Total number of live rows fetched by select queries. |
maxConnections | The maximum number of concurrent connections to the database server. |
tempFileSize | Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries. |
idleProcesses | Number of idle process waiting in the server. |
numCommit | Total number of transactions that have been committed. |
cacheSize | The effective size of the disk cache that is available to a single query. |
numConnections | Total number of backends currently connected to this server. |
indexSize | Total size of the indices. |
bufferSize | Amount of memory the database server uses for shared memory buffers. |
dbSize | Total size of the databases. |
upTime | Time difference between start time and current time. |
abortedConnection | Number of aborted process in the server. |
numInsert | Total number of rows inserted by queries in this database. |
numDelete | Total number of rows deleted by queries in this database. |
cacheHitRatio | Cache Hit Percentage on the server. |
numDatabases | Number of Databases. |
version | PostgreSQL version of the server. |
Database Details
Metric | Description |
blkReadTime | Time spent writing data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds. |
blocksRead | Number of disk blocks read in this database. |
transPerSec | Number of transaction in this database per second. |
numDeadTuple | Estimated number of dead rows in database. |
numTransactions | Number of transactions in this database that have been committed and rolled back. |
numLiveTuple | Estimated number of live rows in database. |
numFetch | Number of live rows fetched by index scans in this database. |
numRollback | Number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back. |
numUpdate | Number of rows updated by queries in this database. |
host | The host address of the instance. |
numReturn | Number of live rows fetched by sequential scans and index entries returned by index scans in this database. |
tempFileSize | Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database. |
_dbName | Name of the database. |
numCommit | Number of transactions in this database that have been committed. |
blocksHit | Number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the PostgreSQL buffer cache, not the operating system's file system cache). |
blkWriteTime | Time spent writing data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds. |
numTempFile | Number of temporary files created by queries in this database. |
indexSize | Total disk space used by all indexes in the database. |
dbSize | Size of the database. |
numInsert | Number of rows inserted by queries in this database. |
numDelete | Number of rows deleted by queries in this database. |
cacheHitRatio | Percentage of cacheHit of this database. |
indexHitRatio | Percentage of indexHit of this table. |
numTables | Number of tables in this database. |
Table Details
Metric | Description |
numDeadTuple | Estimated number of dead rows. |
numLiveTuple | Estimated number of live rows. |
numUpdate | Number of rows updated. |
_tableName | Name of the table. |
_dbName | Name of the database for this table. |
tableSize | Total disk space used by the specified table. |
idxBlksRead | Number of disk blocks read from all indexes on this table. |
host | The host address of the instance. |
seqScan | Number of sequential scans initiated on this table. |
indexScanFetch | Number of live rows fetched by index scans. |
heapBlksRead | Number of disk blocks read from this table. |
idxBlksHit | Number of buffer hits in all indexes on this table. |
heapBlksHit | Number of buffer hits in this table. |
seqScanFetch | Number of live rows fetched by sequential scans. |
indexSize | Total disk space used by indexes attached to the specified table. |
numInsert | Number of rows inserted. |
indexScan | Number of index scans initiated on this table. |
numDelete | Number of rows deleted. |
cacheHitRatio | Percentage of cacheHit of this table. |
_schemaName | Name of the schema of this table. |
indexHitRatio | Percentage of indexHit of this table. |
Index Details
Metric | Description |
_indexName | Name of this index. |
blksHit | Number of buffer hits in this index. |
_tableName | Name of the table for this index. |
blksRead | Number of disk blocks read from this index. |
numFetch | Number of live table rows fetched by simple index scans using this index. |
indexScan | Number of index scans initiated on this index. |
_schemaName | Name of the schema of this index. |
_dbName | Name of the database for this index. |
host | The host address of the instance. |
numReturn | Number of index entries returned by scans on this index. |
Query Details
Metric | Description |
runtime | Period of time for the current query is running. |
userName | Name of the user logged into this backend. |
wait_event | True if backend is currently waiting, otherwise False. |
_dbName | Name of the database this backend is connected to. |
host | The host address of the instance. |
state | Current overall state of this backend. Possible values are: active, idle, idle in transaction, idle in transaction (aborted), fastpath function call, disabled. |
_queryName | If state is active this field shows the currently executing query. In all other states, it shows the last query that was executed. |