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Version: Cloud

Monitor MongoDB Atlas


To collect metrics of Mongo DB Atlas, it is necessary to have sfPoller set up within your environment. Click here to learn more about configure account settings.

Add Cloud Account in sfPoller

Follow the below step to add an account in sfPoller.

  1. Go the the Manage tab > Cloud Account section of sfPoller.

  2. Select the Add option.

  3. In the Add Cloud Account window, select the account type from the drop-down list and fill the following details:

    • Account Type - Select MongoDB Atlas
    • Name - Give a name to the account
    • IP - Give the IP address of your Mongo Db Atlas
    • Instance Name - Give instance name of your Mongo Db Atlas

  4. Select the Save button.

Configure sfPoller to Collect Metrics

Follow the below step to add endpoints and plugins:

  1. In the Application tab of sfPoller, navigate to your Project > Application.

  2. Click on the Application, it will take you to the Endpoint page.

  3. Click the Add Endpoint button, add the following data, and save.

    • Service Type - Select service type as mongoAtlas
    • Name - Give a unique name to the endpoint
    • IP/Endpoint - Give the IP address of your Mongo Db Atlas
    • Instance Name - Give instance name of your Mongo Db Atlas

  4. In the Plugins window, click the +Add button.

  5. In the Add Plugin window, select the below details and save.

    • Plugin Type - Select plugin type as Metric

    • Plugin - Select plugin as mongodbAtlas

    • Username - Give the username of the Mongo DB Atlas account

    • password - Give the password of the Mongo DB Atlas account

    • PrivateKey - Give the private key from your Mongo DB Atlas account

    • PublicKey - Give the public key from your Mongo DB Atlas account

    • ProjectId - Give the project id rom your Mongo DB Atlas account

    • PrimaryIpPort - Give the primary IP port from your Mongo DB Atlas account

    • Document Types: Select the document types from drop-down

    • Interval: Choose an interval value. The minimum value for the interval is 300

    • Status: By default, the status is Enabled

  6. Click the global Save button in the window's top right corner to save all the changes made so far.

View Database Metrics

Follow the below steps to view the metrics collected from Mongo DB Atlas.

  1. Go to the Application tab in SnappyFlow and navigate to your Project > Application > Dashboard.

  2. You can view the database metrics in the Metrics section.


Once plugins are added to sfPoller, they will be automatically detected within the Metrics section. However, if the plugins are not detected, you can import templates to view the corresponding metrics.

  1. To access the unprocessed data gathered from the plugins, navigate to the Browse data section and choose the Index: Metric, Instance: Endpoint, Plugin, and Document Type.

Metric List

CollectionsContains a count of the number of collections in that database
DataSizeTotal size of the data held in this database including the padding factor.Shown as byte
Dbdatabase name
IndexSizeTotal size of all indexes created on this database.Shown as byte
StorageSizeTotal amount of space allocated to collections in this database for document storage.Shown as byte
TotalSizeTotal size of the data held in this database including the padding factor
System Info
Versionversion of mongodb
UptimeMillisNumber of seconds that the mongos or mongod process has been active
availabeConnectionNumber of unused available incoming connections the database can provide
currentConnectionNumber of connections to the database server from clients
activeConnectionsNumber of active connections to the database server from clients
aggDataSizeTotal size of the data held in this database including the padding factor
FsTotalSizeTotal size of all disk capacity on the filesystem where MongoDB stores data
aggFsUsedSizeTotal size of all disk space in use on the filesystem where MongoDB stores data
aggStorageSizeSum of the space allocated to all collections in the database for document storage, including free space
aggTotalSizeSum of the space allocated for both documents and indexes in all collections in the database. Includes used and free storage space. This is the sum of storageSize and indexSize
TotalDbtotal number of databases
Operational Metrics
insertQueryNumber of times insert executed
updateQueryNumber of times update executed
deleteQueryNumber of times delete executed
dirtyBytesInCacheSize of the dirty data in the cache
CacheSizeMaximum cache size
CurrentQueueTotalTotal number of operations queued waiting for the lock
CurrentQueueReadersNumber of operations that are currently queued and waiting for the read lock
CurrentQueueWritersNumber of operations that are currently queued and waiting for the write lock
ActiveClientsTotalTotal number of active client connections to the database
ActiveClientsReadersCount of the active client connections performing read operations
ActiveClientswritersCount of active client connections performing write operations
readLatencyTotal latency statistics for read requests per second
writeLatencyTotal latency statistics for write operations per second
PhysicalBytesInThe number of bytes that reflects the amount of network traffic received by this database
PhysicalBytesOutThe number of bytes that reflects the amount of network traffic sent from this database
CurrentCacheSize of the data currently in cache