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Version: Cloud

CloudWatch Integration


CloudWatch Integration enables you to transfer logs from AWS CloudWatch to SnappyFlow. An AWS Lambda handler is specifically designed using AWS Lambda functions to integrate AWS CloudWatch and SnappyFlow.

How to Integrate?


Click the below URL to download the zip file that contains the latest build of the lambda handler.

Step 1: Create a lambda function

  1. Login into your AWS account.

  2. Go to the AWS Lambda service and click the Create function button.

  3. In the Create function window, choose the Author from scratch option.

  4. In the Basic information window, enter the following details:

    • Function Name: Give a meaningful function name
    • Runtime: Select Go 1.x
    • Architecture: Select based on your requirement
  5. Click the Create function button.

Step 2: Add Trigger

  1. Click the Add trigger button.

  2. In the Add trigger window, select the following details:

    • Source: Select the source as CloudWatch Logs
    • Log group: Select a log group
    • Filter name: give a filter name based on the requirement
    • Filter pattern (optional)
  3. Click the Add button.

Step 3: Enable the Lambda handler

  1. Go to the Code > Code Source tab.

  2. Click the Upload from button and choose the .zip file option.

  3. Upload the file and save.

  4. Go to Runtime settings, click the Edit button, and change the default handler to sfagent.

Step 4: Add Environment variables

  1. Go to the Configuration section.

  2. Navigate to the Environment variable tab and click on the Edit button.

  3. In the Edit environment variables window, click the Add Environment variable button.

  4. Add the below-mentioned environment variables.

    • Key: APP_NAME, Value: Name of the application
    • Key: KEY, Value: Profile key copied from SnappyFlow
    • Key: NAME, Value: Name of the Instance
    • Key: PROJECT_NAME, Value: Name of the project
  1. Click on the Save button.

View Logs

  1. Login into SnappyFlow.

  2. Navigate to the Application tab > Project > Application and click the Dashboard icon.

  3. In the Dashboard window, navigate to Log Management > Primary Storage.

  4. In the Primary Storage window, you can see the logs transferred from CloudWatch.

  5. To see the raw data, navigate to the Browse Data tab and enter the below details:

    • Index: Log

    • Instance: Select an instance

    • Plugin: cloudwatch-logs

    • Document Type: cloudwatchLogs