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Version: Cloud

Monitor Java Application on Instance


JVM on instances is monitored using sfAgent configured with jvm plugin. The plugin monitors JVM metrics, jvm arguments used to start Java process and deadlock metrics. JVM plugin internally uses the following utilities to collect metrics:

  • Jstats for JVM metrics
  • Jolokia will be started by plugin to collect deadlock metrics if monitor Deadlocks parameter is set in configuration file


Jcmd has to be installed in the instance


sfAgent section provides steps to install and automatically generate plugin configurations. User can also manually add the configuration shown below to config.yaml under /opt/sfagent/ directory

key: <profile_key> 
generate_name: true
Name: <instance name>
appName: <application name>
projectName: <project name>
- name: jvm
enabled: true
interval: 60
process: *
heapinterval: 3600
monitorDeadlocks: false
deadlockMonitoringInterval: 300

Viewing data and dashboards

  • Data generated by this plugin can be viewed in browse data page inside the respective application under plugin=jvm and documentType=jvm

  • Dashboard for this data can be instantiated by importing dashboard template JVM to the application dashboard.