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Version: Self Hosted Lite

Monitor Java Application on Instances

Application Packed in a jar File

Follow the below steps to start tracings for an application packed and built using a jar file.


Install sfAgent to monitor Java application running on instance.


Add the following arguments while starting your application using the java -jar command in IDE, Maven, or Gradle script:

java -javaagent:/opt/sfagent/sftrace/java/sftrace-java-agent.jar -Dsftrace.service_name=<my-service> -jar <application jar> 

If  the service_name is not provided, an auto-discovered service name will be added. Service_name is used to identify and filter the traces related to an application and should be named appropriately to distinctly identify it. The service name must only contain characters from the ASCII alphabet, numbers, dashes, underscores, and spaces.

Additional Features for Spring Boot Applications

By default, transaction names of unsupported Servlet API based frameworks are in the form of $method unknown route. To modify this and to report the names of the transaction in the form of $method and $path, add the below-given command in Java agent configuration.


Normalizing Transaction URL

Using path parameters like /user/$userId in your URL can result in a significant increase in the number of transaction types, which can become difficult to manage. To prevent this, it is recommended to use URL groups.

Example for URL groups:

if the application supports URLs as show below:

/owners, /owners/<owner_id>, /owners/<owner_id>/edit, /owners/<owner_id>/pets, 

then URL groups would be configured as:



Below given configuration is an example of a Java application executed via command line using the parameters given in the previous sections.

java -javaagent:/opt/sfagent/sftrace/java/sftrace-java-agent.jar 

-Delastic.apm.url_groups=/owners/*,/owner/*/edit,/owners/*/pets -jar <application jar>

View Trace Data

Follow the below steps to view the trace data.

  1. Go to the Application tab in SnappyFlow and navigate to your Project > Application > Dashboard.

  2. In the dashboard window, navigate to the Tracing section and click the View Transactions button.

  3. You can view the traces in the Aggregate and the Real Time tabs.

Apache Tomcat

Follow the below steps to start tracings for an application built using Apache Tomcat.


Install sfAgent to monitor Java application running on instance.


  1. Create a file in the below-mentioned folder.

    <tomcat installation path>/bin
  2. Add the trace agent configuration in the file. Refer to  for tracing specific configurations.

  3. Execute the file using chmod +x bin/ command and start the server.

Additional Features for Spring Boot Applications

By default, transaction names of unsupported Servlet API based frameworks are in the form of $method unknown route. To modify this and to report the names of the transaction in the form of $method and $path, use the below-given command in the Java agent configuration.


Normalizing Transaction URL

Using path parameters like /user/$userId in your URL can result in a significant increase in the number of transaction types, which can become difficult to manage. To prevent this, it is recommended to use URL groups.

Example for URL groups:

If the application supports URLs as shown below:

/owners, /owners/<owner_id>, /owners/<owner_id>/edit, /owners/<owner_id>/pets, 

then URL groups would be configured as below:


Example Configuration

Below given configuration is an example of a Java application executed via command line using the parameters given in the previous sections.

java -javaagent:/opt/sfagent/sftrace/java/sftrace-java-agent.jar 

-Delastic.apm.url_groups=/owners/*,/owner/*/edit,/owners/*/pets -jar <application jar>

View Trace Data

Follow the below steps to view the trace data.

  1. Go to the Application tab in SnappyFlow and navigate to your Project > Application > Dashboard.

  2. In the dashboard window, navigate to the Tracing section and click the View Transactions button.

  3. You can view the traces in the Aggregate and the Real Time tabs.


Follow the below steps to start tracings for an application built using JBoss EAP.


Install sfAgent to monitor Java application running on instance.


Standalone Mode

Copy the configuration from the SFTRACE-CONFIG section of the JBOSS_standalone.conf file and add the trace agent configuration in the standalone.conf file and start the server.

Domain Mode

Copy the configuration from the SFTRACE-CONFIG section and add the trace agent configuration in domain.xml and start the server. Refer to JBOSS_domain.xml  for tracing specific configurations. After updating the configuration, restart the application.

Additional Features for Spring Boot Applications

By default, transaction names of unsupported Servlet API based frameworks are in the form of $method unknown route. To modify this and to report the names of the transaction in the form of $method and $path, add the below-given command in the Java agent configuration.


Normalizing Transaction URLs

Using path parameters like /user/$userId in your URL can result in a significant increase in the number of transaction types, which can become difficult to manage. To prevent this, it is recommended to use URL groups.

Example for URL groups

if the application supports URL as shown below:

/owners, /owners/<owner_id>, /owners/<owner_id>/edit, /owners/<owner_id>/pets, 

Then URL groups would be configured as:


Example Configuration

Below given configuration is an example of a Java application executed via command line using the parameters given in the previous sections.

java -javaagent:/opt/sfagent/sftrace/java/sftrace-java-agent.jar 

-Delastic.apm.url_groups=/owners/*,/owner/*/edit,/owners/*/pets -jar <application jar>

View Trace Data

Follow the below steps to view the trace data.

  1. Go to the Application tab in SnappyFlow and navigate to your Project > Application > Dashboard.

  2. In the dashboard window, navigate to the Tracing section and click the View Transactions button.

  3. You can view the traces in the Aggregate and the Real Time tabs.