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Version: Self Hosted Lite

Monitor Java Application in ECS

Deployment - Fargate

Deploying the SnappyFlow trace agent

Do the below steps in the current task definition within the docker container of the application.

  1. Go to the task definitions in the ECS page.

  2. Select the task definition.

  3. Click on create new revision.

  4. Choose the container definition for the Docker container running the application, and the edit container window will open.

  5. Add the below details under the environment section of the edit container window.

    • In the entry point text box provided the sh,-c
    • In the command text box add the below command which is highlighted
    mkdir /sfagent && wget -O /sfagent/sftrace-agent.tar.gz && cd /sfagent && tar -xvzf sftrace-agent.tar.gz && java -javaagent:/sfagent/sftrace/java/sftrace-java-agent.jar -jar applicationjarfile.jar  
  6. Add the below mentioned environment variables these are required to send the trace data to the Snappyflow server.


    Make sure that the project and the application are created in the Snappyflow before adding the environment variable.

  7. Click the update option to close the edit container pop up.

  8. Click the create option to create the new revision for the task definition.

  9. Once the new revision is completed, follow the below steps to update the service in the cluster.

    • Navigate to the cluster and select the cluster and the service
    • Click the update service, it will open the update service page
    • Under the configure service select the task definition with latest revision
    • Click the force new deployment and click next step
    • Once the tasks are running under the service, trigger the request in the application

View Trace Data

Follow the below steps to view the trace data.

  1. Go to the Application tab in SnappyFlow and navigate to your Project > Application > Dashboard.

  2. In the dashboard window, navigate to the Tracing section and click the View Transactions button.

  3. You can view the traces in the Aggregate and the Real Time tabs.