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Version: Self Hosted Lite

Monitor Ruby Application on Instance | Windows


Profile Id

Follow the below steps to get the Profile Id from the Profiles section.

  1. To access the Profiles section in SnappyFlow, navigate to the Manage tab and click on your profile.

  2. Navigate to Archival Infrastructure section.

  3. Under the Kafka Topic and Secondary Storage > Kafka Topic you can see the 8 digit Profile Id as shown in the above image.


Copy the Profile Id to clipboard and use the same during configuration.


Follow the below steps to enable the monitoring of a Ruby application.

  1. Add the following command to the Gemfile.

    gem 'elastic-apm'
  2. Run the following command to install the dependencies.

    bundle install
  3. Add the following lines of code to the application.rb file located inside config folder.

    require "elastic-apm"

    # Replace the <service-name>
    config.elastic_apm.service_name = '<service-name>'

    config.elastic_apm.server_url = '<APM-DNS-url>:443/sftrace'

    # Replace the <projectName>, <appName>, <profileId>
    config.elastic_apm.global_labels = '_tag_projectName=<projectName>,_tag_appName=<appName>,_tag_profileId=<profileId>'

    config.elastic_apm.verify_server_cert = false

    config.elastic_apm.central_config = false


Ensure that the Project Name and the Application Name in the configuration aligns with the actual project and application you are working with in the user interface.

View Trace Data

Follow the below steps to view the trace data collected from a Ruby application.

  1. Go to the Application tab in SnappyFlow and navigate to your Project > Application > Dashboard.

  2. In the dashboard window, navigate to the Tracing section and click the View Transactions button.

  3. You can view the traces in the Aggregate and the Real Time tabs.