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Version: Self Hosted Lite

Skip Functions


Skip functions are used in Feature Extraction and allow moving the pointer/imaginary cursor to a position of interest in the log line.


This function is used to skip a particular word in the log line.


skip("wordtoskip") where wordtoskip is the word to be skipped. Note that double quotes are required.


Consider the Log line Update-mapping for Metric-7kjdgp3g hosted from master-2

Using skip(“for”), the pointer will look for the word for and move the imaginary cursor after the word for

Initial pointer position

|Update-mapping for Metric-7kjdgp3g hosted from master-2

Final pointer position

Update-mapping for | Metric-7kjdgp3g hosted from master-2


This function is used to skip a given number of words. This function assumes each word is separated by a single space. The pointer position moves to the end of the space after the Nth word.


skipword("N") where N is the number of words to be skipped.


Consider the Log line Update-mapping for Metric-7kjdgp3g hosted from master-2. Using skipword(“5”), the pointer will skip five words. In this example, the pointer or imaginary cursor is denoted by |.

Initial pointer position

|Update-mapping for Metric-7kjdgp3g hosted from master-2

Final pointer position

Update-mapping for Metric-7kjdgp3g hosted from |master-2


This function is used to skip N number of characters. The pointer position is always after the Nth skipped character.


skipchar(N) where N is the number of characters to skip.


Consider the Log line "This is an example list."

Using skipchar(7) moves the pointer 5 characters to the right.

In this example, the pointer or imaginary cursor is denoted by |.

Initial pointer position

|This is an example list.

Final pointer position

This is| an example list.


This function is used to skip until the string as specified is found. It skips only until the first occurrence of the string.



wordToSkip is a string and denotes the word until which the cursor skips.

  • If wordToSkip is specified as $numeric$, everything until the first occurrence of a number is skipped.
  • If wordToSkip is specified as $special$, everything until the first occurrence of a special character is skipped.

includeWord is an integer which denotes whether to include the wordtoskip

Use 0 to exclude and 1 to include the wordtoskip

  • The pointer position is before the wordToSkip if includeWord is 0.
  • The pointer position is after the wordToSkip if includeWord is 1.

Consider the Log line Running full sweep for node-116

Using skipuntil(“for”, 0) skips the pointer position to the beginning of the the first occurrence of the word for

In this example, the pointer or imaginary cursor is denoted by |.

Initial pointer position

|Running full sweep for node-116

Final pointer position

Running full sweep | for node-116

The remaining log line after skipping will be for node-116