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Version: Self Hosted Turbo

SnappyFlow sfPoller Setup In AWS


Create IAM Role:

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the IAM console at

  2. In the navigation pane of the IAM console, click Policies, and then click Create policy

  3. In the JSON tab , add policy json:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
    "Action": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Resource": "*"
    • Click Review Policy

    • Add a Policy name (must be unique)

      (Optional) For description, type a description for the new policy

    • Click Create Policy

  4. In the navigation pane of the IAM console, click Roles, and then click Create role

  5. For Select type of trusted entity, click AWS service

  6. For click the use case for your service, click EC2

  7. Click Next: Permissions

    Search for the policy created in step 3. Select the check box next to that policy.

  8. Click Next: Review

    • Add a Role name (must be unique)
    • (Optional) For Role description, type a description for the new role
    • Review the role and then click Create role


Create AWS Security Group

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. Go to Network & Security section and select Security Groups.

  3. In the Security Groups page, select Create security group button.

  4. In the Create security group window, add the following in the Basic details section:

    • Security group name
    • Description
  5. For VPC, click the VPC in which to create the security group. The security group can only be used in the VPC in which it is created

  6. Then go to Inbound rules section and add security group rules as shown below:

    HTTPTCP800.0.0.0,::/0sfPoller http
    HTTPSTCP4430.0.0.0,::/0sfPoller https
    SSHTCP220.0.0.0,::/0sfPoller ssh
  7. Select the Create Security group button to save the created security group.


Define Source as per user's requirements. Use anywhere if sfPoller has to be accessed from multiple locations. Use Custom if sfPoller will be used from Office/VPN (also provide IP address).


Be ready with SSH keypair to be used for launching instance.

Click the video icon Watch the video to view about sfPoller installation.

Launching sfPoller Instance

  1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at

  2. In the navigation pane, click Instances

  3. Click Launch Instance

  4. Click on AWS Marketplace and search for SnappyFlow Poller Appliance

  5. Select SnappyFlow sfPoller Appliance AMI

  6. Read SnappyFlow sfPoller Appliance usage policy and detail. Click continue to proceed

  7. Select the instance type (Min Recommended: t2.medium )

  8. Configure instance:

    Provide network, subnet and IAM role (IAM role created in prerequisite)

  9. (Optional) Add tags for sfpoller instance

  10. Configure security group:

    • Click the security group created in the prerequisite step
    • Review changes before clicking launch
  11. Click the SSH key pair and launch

  12. Wait till the instance state goes to ready and then open the launched instance on EC2 panel. Copy Public DNS (IPv4) from instance description in AWS console

    Paste Public DNS (IPv4) of the launched instance to the browser and open the sfPoller Launcher.

  13. Enter username: admin and password: instanceID of launched instance and login to sfPoller

    Note: Instance ID can be copied from instance description (as used in step 7).

    sfPoller installation is complete now

Configure sfPoller

Profile Key

The profile key is used to Synchronize your SnappyFlow account with sfPoller.

  1. Go to the Manage tab of SnappyFlow and select the Profile Key icon of your Profile.

  2. Copy the Profile Key.

  3. Go the the Manage tab of sfPoller and paste the profile key in the Profile Key section.

  4. Select the Save button.

Add Cloud Account

Follow the below steps to create a Cloud Account in sfPoller.

  1. Go the the Manage tab > Cloud Account section of sfPoller.
  2. Select the Add option.
  3. In the Add Cloud Account window, select the account type from the drop-down list and fill the following details:
    • Name - Give a meaningful name to your cloud account
    • Access Key - Access Key provided your cloud service
    • Secret Key - Secret Key provided your cloud service
    • Token - Token provided your cloud service
    • Region - Select a region from the drop-down

  1. Select the Save button.

Create Project

Follow the below steps to create a Project in sfPoller.

  1. Go to the Application tab of sfPoller.

  2. Select the Create Project button.

  3. In the Add Project window, give a meaningful project name and save.

Create Application

In sfPoller, there are two ways to create an Application.

  • Manual method
  • Discover method

Create an Application Using Manual Method

  1. Go to the Application tab of sfPoller.

  2. Navigate to your Project and select the + add icon in the Action column.

  3. In the Add Application window, select Create New option and click the Next button.

  4. In the Create Application window, give a meaningful name to the application and click the Save button.

Create an Application Using Discover Method

  1. Go to the Application tab of sfPoller.

  2. Navigate to your Project and select the + add icon in the Action column.

  3. In the Add Application window, select Discover option and click the Next button.

  4. In the Discover and Add Application window, add the following details:

    • Cloud account - Select your cloud account from the drop-down list
    • Tag Key Name - Key of the tag
    • Tag Value - Value of the tag
    • Tag for generating application Name - Specify the tag Key, from which the value will be used as the application name.
  5. Select the Add Rule button.

  6. Select the Discover Endpoints. It automatically discovers the endpoint related to the tags.

  7. Review all the details and click the Save button.

  8. Select the Global Save button to save all the changes done within sfPoller.


The Discover method allows you to bypass the manual addition of endpoints and plugins.


After configuring the sfPoller, the Project and Application will become accessible within the SnappyFlow account that is synchronized with the sfPoller.