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Version: Self Hosted Turbo

Dashboard Management

Dashboard management refers to creating a new dashboard, editing the dashboard, and controlling the users' permission to the dashboard. Dashboard management involves the tasks of generating a fresh dashboard, modifying an existing dashboard, and regulating user access to the dashboard.

Use Cases

  1. Generating multiple dashboards for an application.
  2. Adding users to a dashboard.
  3. Granting or denying a user access to a dashboard.

Create New Dashboard

  1. Click the Add Dashboard button.

  2. In the Add Dashboard window, select the following details:

    a. Project Name- Select the title of the project

    b. Application Name- Select the title of the application

    c. Dashboard Name- Type a user name

    d. Feature- Click the check box of the required feature (Optional)

  3. Click the Save button.

Manage Dashboard

  1. Go to the Application tab.

  2. Navigate to the Project > Application (Example: default > Nested test).

  3. Click the Application Menu ... icon.

  4. Select the Dashboard List option.

  5. In the Dashboard List window, a Dashboard table with the following details (Name, Project, Applications, Created by, Created on, Actions) will be generated. The Action column has the options to:

  • Copy the dashboard URL

  • Clone the dashboard. It also allows you to edit the cloned dashboard

  • Edit the information in an existing dashboard

  • User access control and add new users.

  • Delete the dashboard

User Access Control

  1. Click the User icon in the action column of the dashboard table.

  2. To add a user, select a user and the user's permission (Read or Write) in the User access control window.

  3. Click the Add > Save button.

  4. To restrict a user, select a user and the permission as Deny.

  5. Click the Save button.